02 January 2005


NAME: ARVEL JOHN 'Tsoy' Lozada... the sleepy-head of the class

NAME: ALWEILLAND "Alwie" Bello - The guy with an "AFTER 6 SYNDROME"... hehehe

NAME: JOSEIVI "Jaja" dela Torre - The Miss SWEET-BELIEVE-ME fellow...the blossom in PPG

NAME: OLIVER "Olive" Generalao - The Talent and Brain combine...

NAME: LARA GAY "pangzie" Villaruz - The Criminal Lawyer in the making..but the criminal herself at present...

NAME: MARK NOLAN "Markie" Confesor - Mr. KNOW-IT-ALL in the class...si Magna Cum Laude

NAME: CHRISTINE JOY "Ceejay" Gravino - Miss Congeniality...the Singer

NAME: LLOYD ALLAN "Lloydie" Cabanog - The Great Loyd...The Programmer..The Future Nobel Prize Awardee... hehehe

NAME: JOEY ARLES "Jao" Vergara - The Painter..the Spiritual Adviser of all times..

NAME: MARICHU "Choey/chuchu" Tompong - The SUPERWOMAN (oost!! ako na gud ni!!)...the OVERNIGHT QUEEN

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