21 February 2005

P8,000 Daily for a PMA Cadet; a Paltry P43 for the State Scholar

Unlike all other state universities and colleges (SCUs), the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) remains the learning institution most favored by government. While the budget of the SCUs has been slashed anew several-fold this year, that of the PMA has been increased.

By Ronalyn Olea Bulatlat

PMA cadets in drill. Compared to all other state universities and colleges (SCUs), the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) remains the learning institution most favored by government.Along with the Department of Education (DepEd), the SCUs have their new budgets slashed several-fold. The PMA, as expected, has no budget cut; its location has in fact been increased from P557.92 million last year to P568.17 million this year. In the proposed budget, the PMA cadet is subsidized with P12 million for a four-year course or roughly P8,219 a day; his counterpart at the state Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) has a measly P43 a day or only 0.52 percent of the PMA cadets daily subsidy.

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  1. Anonymous3:57 AM

    miss bulatlat i think ur just overreacting. and i think your one of the many individuals who somewhat contribute to our economy's breakdown. porque hindi kayo nabigyan ng rightful share you pick up placards and whine at the top of your lungs of the privilege that shouldve been yours.
    University graduates certainly excel in their respective fields of expertiese and so are PMAers.Sure do you write good but hasn't it crossed your mind that 'what if I sleep in the cadet barracks for a week then write some article about it'? I pity you miss for you shouldve been a good asset for nation building but the rest fo the Filipino doubt it because you seem to exemplify concrete CRAB MENTALITY.Good day.

  2. Anonymous9:20 PM

    hey mr. engot. it's not just that I want to condemm the PMA's or so whatever..bcoz in fact I admire some of them..but I think ms. bulatlat , which of course is NOT ME for ur info, was just trying to show what is reality that is happening in our society then..this is just d reflection on how education here in d country is degrading..and that ds reality must be broadcasted to everyone bcoz everyone deserves to know the truth..so, i hope u better understood her as much as i do,k??

  3. Anonymous1:57 AM

    yes its true. the pipol deserves to know d truth.but nowadays the masses are fed with wrong information. irresponsible journalism. profiteering from one's miseries.but why d masses? dont underestimate them. they can dethrone governments overnight.i hope it will b more clear to the trusting public that these Ayer guys n gals are doing just right or more according to the functions they are purposedly trained for.and i think it is not the right time to lay down our differences.your good in that.they are in this.y dont we merge in our strong points and create something better?tanx.

  4. well I admire u for that...I think we, all of us in this society, ,must patch up our no nonsense differences in one way u have wanted, as much as we all have wanted to change this never-ending sentiment..this has never been an argument if all of us are more than willing enough to listen both sides of the poles, and are willing to initiate the right moves to correct things that must be corrected...come to think about it..these can never be the case if there were no troubles at all in the first place,ryt?? so, there's really a need for action to this..what do ya think?? by d way, ms. bulatlat, you and ur's truly were just exercising our right,weren't we??-the freedom of expression!!!and that was what I found my stand to be..hope u nderstand me!!thanx for the correspondence!!

  5. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The Govt spends only 2 million pesos for a cadet in his four year stay in PMA. not 12,000,000. I'm a former UPLB student, a former LFS member and now a PMA Cadet. I can say that the Govt spends that much because there are only 250 of the youth, a year (a class in PMA) who are willing to sacrifice to go to war, leave their family, and possibly die after graduation. Comparison is useless. comparing the 140,000 and 250 students a year from SCUs and PMA is useless.It will only make a useless gap.
